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Nurse Information


Joyceline Sakwa, R.N.

YMLA School Nurse

CLINIC HOURS 7:50 PM to 3:20 pm/PHONE: 817.814.0820     FAX: 


  • DTAP (Diphtheria/Tetanus/Pertussis) 4 - 5 doses, 1 dose after the student's 4th birthday and BEFORE kindergarten starts
  • Polio 3- 4 doses - 1 dose after the student's 4th birthday and BEFORE kindergarten starts
  • MMR (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella) 2 doses required 
  • Hepatitis B - 3 doses
  • Varicella - 2 doses
  • Hepatitis A - 2 doses, 1st dose received after 1st birthday

ATTENTION 5th graders :: You may need a DTAP dose before entering middle school (age 11).

  • Ask your doctor about :: The MENB Shot TOO. Prevents group B bacterial meningitis that can kill and maim in hours. Must have a meningococcal vaccine before 7th grade. 


  1. Very Important!!! Keep your emergency contact information current.
  2. Report communicable diseases. For example: strep, chicken pox, flu and lice.
  3. All medications must have a Doctor's written order (see Forms & Policies) ... even over the counter medications like Tylenol (acetaminophen), Advil (ibuprofen) and allergy eye drops.


It is recommended that your student should stay at home if any of these symptoms exist:

  • Fever 100.0 or greater
  • Fever within the last 24 hours
  • Vomiting within the last 24 hours
  • Unexplained rash
  • Redness, inflammation or drainage from eyes
  • Severe cold symptoms
  • Students should only return to school:
    • when temperature is normal for the past 24 hours without fever-reducing medication like Tylenol or Ibuprofen
    • when diarrhea and or vomiting has stopped for a full 24 hours without the aid of medication
    • after student takes prescribed antibiotic medication for 24 hours prior to returning to school
    • and the student feels well enough to be in school for a full day...does the child feel well enough to be in class and participate
    • Image result for school nurse images

  • Hints for back to school to help the school nurse!

    Make sure your contact information is updated online (if your district has an online emergency contact form) and in the main office of the school and by paper, (if they do not have the online form or the power goes out).

    Make sure your child knows your phone number and the phone number of a few more people to call in an emergency. It is not enough to have the number stored in their phone; it might not be charged at that moment.

    Take the nurse’s call when she calls you and have a plan on what to do if your child needs to go home. Have a backup person who can pick up your child if you’re not available and make sure that your backup person is on the emergency contact form.

    Know that a school nurse cannot diagnose. They can make a suggestion of what they think might be going on, but you have to take your child to a doctor to receive a diagnosis and treatment. The school nurse also is not your primary care clinic. However, sometimes school nurses might notice things that a teacher or parent has not, and often, they know what illnesses are going around the school or community.

    Follow the 24-hour fever-free rule to return to school. Our nurses understand that parents have to work, but giving a child Tylenol (Acetaminophen) or Advil (Ibuprofen) to get the fever down, does not qualify as being 24-hours fever-free. It has to be 24-hours fever-free with no medication. This is for your child’s safety as well as other children’s safety to stop the spread of disease.


    For Pre K and kinder students, put a clean pair of pants and underwear in their backpack and keep an extra set available all year.

    Share medical information with the nurse. Nurses want to know if your child has a chronic illness and the medication your child is taking and how much, food or other allergies your child has and what to do if he/she has an allergic reaction, and any mental health diagnoses. It can be beneficial to sign a records sharing request from the child’s doctor’s office to send medical information to the school nurse.


Items always needed in the nurse's clinic:

  • Tissues
  • Medium sized gloves
  • Small cups
  • Variety sized band aids
  • Clorox wipes
  • New 4T-5T boys and girls underwear and socks